The Greater Bay Area Cancer Registry (GBACR), gathers information about all cancers diagnosed or treated in a nine-county area:

  1. Alameda
  2. Contra Costa
  3. Marin
  4. Monterey
  5. San Benito
  6. San Francisco
  7. San Mateo
  8. Santa Clara
  9. Santa Cruz

Data from the GBACR have contributed to the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) program and the statewide California Cancer Registry (CCR) which conducts essential monitoring of cancer occurrence and survival in California.


GBACR Annual Report 1988-2020 now available

GBACR dashboard now includes data up through 2021

California Health Maps website provides data beyond county level

Greater Bay Area Cancer Registry Dashboard




According to California Department of Public Health guidelines, cancer incidence rates cannot be reported if based on less than 15 cancer cases and/or a population of less than 10,000 to ensure confidentiality and stable statistical rates.